
VAPCO-NDT  has integrated and highly equipped maintenance lab to serve petroleum companies.Our expert engineers and technicians have honorable experience in maintenance of different NDT equipments, including, for example,

Portable Drill Pipe Units (Buggy type), 2000, 2002, 4001, 5000, 5002I, B&W, Euroil, Dexim, Digi Pro, and Wilson including all accessories,

Four-Function Units (Stationary or Mobile), 3500, 5500, 5700, 6000,  Scanalog, and Tube-Pro, including all accessories,

Sucker Rod Units,

Capacitive Discharge Systems (CDS) Unit,

Pipe Straightening machines,

Pipe Cleaning (Buffing) machines,

Pipe Bucking machines,

Generators and many other oilfield inspection equipments.

VAPCO-NDT is specialized in refurbishing and re-manufacturing used OCTG inspection equipment.

Our maintenance services can be provided on a contractual basis.