VAPCO-NDT is a big supplier and manufacturing for PT,VT,MT,UT included BHA Kit , and the following is part of BHA Kit

*l’BHA Heavy Duty Aluminium Box w Steel Fram & 4 lifting

*(10″ to 13″)DC Magnetizing Coil w/toggle switch (110V or 220V) VAC,

*2 Electric Extensions Cords With plugs (110V or 220V) VAC,

*Magnetic field indicator handheld  20-0-20

*Black light kit, with transformer , 100 watt, (110V or 220V) VAC, and  Spare, ( bulb & Filter)

*UV Meter,Digital, Economical,

*Black light Hood

*Quartz spot light kit,

*AC Yoke with adjustable legs  (110V or 220V) VAC,

*AC/DC Yoke ,115 VAC Probe

*Weight Lift Bar – Single 10lb

*Type II Catrol Strips Set ,( Set of 5)

*drilco ruler , tool joint indentifier

*12″ruler,(1/64increments)starrett C604r-12

*12″ I.D. spring calipers

*12″ O.D. spring calipers

*50′ tally tape

*2.1/4″ inspection mirror (telescoping 10-19″)

*Portable Pressure Sprayer

*Centerifuge Tube & Stand

*Aluminium Sensitivity Test Block

*Pie Gauge with case

*pit depth gage knife base, 0-100

*Wet Fluorescent Particles ,

*Gray, Red, Black or Yellow Dry Visible Dusting Powder,

*Wet Visible Black Particles – Aerosols,

*White Background Contrast Paint – Aerosols,

*Red Visible Penetrant – Water Washable- Aerosols ,

*Red Visible Penetrant – Post Emulsifiable – Aerosols ,

*Non-Chlorinated – Developer – Aerosols,

*Non-Chlorinated – Cleaner /Remover – Aerosols,

*Rubber Powder Applicator ,

*Heavy Duty 1/2″ Drill,

*Heavy Duty 7″Angle Grinder,

*4 1/2″ Angle (Side) Grinder,

*Heavy Duty Die (Straight) Grinder,

*Heavy Duty Blower,

*3 ft Brush Extension for Drill,

*Double Spiral Brush for Drill, any size,

*3″ x 1/16″ soft cutting wheel,3/8 arbor,

*3″ x 1/16″ hard cutting wheel,3/8 arbor,

*Drift Tape, 50ft, 3/4 X 1/16″,